Bible Church

Welcome to our website. We are a telephone ministry sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ by telephone in the United States, offering a free Bible study course by mail, hosting weekly prayer lines and assisting in the location of good local Bible believing churches.

Our Mission

Sharing the “good news” of the gospel which in Romans 1:16 “is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth”. The gospel is described in 1 Corinthians 15:2,3 “that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.”

Our Beliefs

We believe according to Matthew 4:4 we live not by bread alone, but by “every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God”, that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16), and holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Old and New Testaments preserved in the King James Version for the English language. The Bible is our final authority in all matters of life, that we might be thoroughly equipped unto every good work.

In the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

Once saved, always saved

In the autonomy of the local, New Testament church

God created the earth in six LITERAL days “

Free 12 Lesson Bible Study Course

We have developed a free Bible Study Course in 12 lessons to provide an introductory understanding of the essential teachings of the Bible. The lessons are free because we want to make them readily available to all. Subjects covered include creation, the history of mankind, the fall of man, God’s perfect plan of salvation for us, the judgment of the saved and the lost, and events that will occur in the future. A quiz is to be completed at the end of each lesson. This course can be taken entirely by regular postal mail, when you call or reply by email with your name, address and phone number, and we will send the first lesson. When you have completed the lesson you keep the lesson but send back the completed quiz in the included self addressed envelope. We will then send the next lesson with the graded quiz. Please click here to view the first lesson that we will send you and the 12 lesson titles that are part of the course that we will send you when you contact us of your interest to take the course.

A second way to take the course is to create a login to download and print the lessons, scan the completed quiz page and email or postal mail it back to us. We will send a graded copy back for you to proceed to the next lesson. When you have completed all 12 lessons in the course you will receive a certificate.

Weekly Prayer and Bible Lesson Line

We want to invite you to join our weekly prayer line/Bible lesson group. This is a fellowship group across the United States that are united by phone that share prayer burdens for us to pray for. We all need prayer and some do not have or are unable to attend a church and desire fellowship and spiritual encouragement. We also give a Bible lesson for encouragement and instruction. The meetings times we now have are 7 PM Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday and Thursday. If you would like this please contact us by phone or email. The way this works is simple, we call you, and when you pick up the phone it will ask you to press one if you would like to join the meeting. When you press one you are in. This service is free.

Church Directory

For assistance to locate a good KJV Bible believing church near you, please click here. On the left of this page you will then click on your state, then hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and press F. This will bring up a window to type in your city, then click “next” to go to the next church in your city. This is also explained on the militarygetsaved.tripod website.

Additional Resources

01: Sample Audio File

02: Sample Audio File

03: Sample Audio File